
The importance of sport:
There are many benefits of sport to the human body, as it is reflected on his physical, mental, and social health as well, and the following is an explanation

Maintaining a healthy weight

Exercising contributes to maintaining or reducing body weight, by practicing it constantly, whether through individual or group sports, as through it the body burns a number of calories, as well as building the muscles of the body in a healthy way, and the A healthy body weight is an important way to reduce the risk of several diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Improving mental activity

Sports play an important role in maintaining the mental level of individuals and even improving it during old age, in addition to raising the level of concentration, as the mental benefits of sports are very great, studies have found that exercise reduces the risk of diseases, such as disease Alzheimer’s.

Reduce stress
Sport contributes to raising the level of relaxation for individuals, and it also removes negative thoughts that people may suffer from due to the pressures of life. Feeling relaxed and optimistic.

useful for children
Sport is not exclusively for adults only, but it is also possible for children to practice it regularly, and it benefits them as it is the case for adults, as the earlier the child’s age when practicing sports, the greater the benefit to the body during the age period, where the importance of sports for children lies in The body remains active and healthy, and it is worth noting that the child’s academic level often improves compared to his peers, and sports teaches the child discipline.

Sport is appropriate for women

The importance of sport for women, and what sport is appropriate for her?

Obesity has many causes, including lack of exercise, and the nature of unhealthy eating. And for more information on the most important correct ways for women to practice sports: Follow this dialogue with the sports specialist, on our website.

Sport has many benefits for women, as it contributes to reducing the incidence of several diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. As for the physical aspect, it helps to burn calories, maintain fitness, and sports make the psychological state of women more stable. read more…

Tummy tuck exercises two weeks after giving birth

The nine months of pregnancy can leave you with a plump baby, but they can also leave you with a swollen belly. To get rid of this belly and restore the appearance before pregnancy and childbirth, “My Family” advises you to follow a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, and also invites you to practice these exercises that will tighten your abdominal muscles with a tangible result in two weeks:

  • Lie on your back with knees bent. Then try to raise your head while tightening the abdominal and pelvic muscles while tightening the buttocks. Hold this position for ten seconds …. read more


tummy exercise after birth